Buthead and Beavis Practice sucks shirt

 The Great Cornholio has an announcement - Beavis and Butt-Head, the animated sit-com created by Mike Judge about two slackers and their oddball observations about youth culture is getting a reboot. Once a highly controversial cornerstone of '90s television, the MTV series focused on the antics of two teenagers who did nothing all day but watch music videos in between stuffing their faces with junk food, participating in gross-out gags full of ultra-violence, and try to score chicks.But nope! This convincing clip is actually a fan edit, and a pretty good one at that. Directed, written, and animated by Steven Anderson, the short video uses archival audio from Beavis And Butt-Head to imagine a scenario in which the dumb duo participate in a press conference about the series revival. During the conference, a woman (producer Ruhi Bhalla) approaches the mic and asks a question that’s probably on the minds of a lot of fans of Judge’s classic animated series: How will the new Beavis And Butt-Head handle representation of people of color and members of the LGBTQ community? The answer is, as you might imagine, a non-answer, with the pair conceding that they are extremely stupid.

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